Psalm 135

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When Brothers Dwell in Unity

A Song of mAscents. Of David.

133  Behold, how good and pleasant it is

when ebrothers dwell in unity!1

It is like the precious foil on gthe head,

running down on the beard,

on the beard of Aaron,

running down on hthe collar of his robes!

It is like ithe dew of jHermon,

which falls on kthe mountains of Zion!

For there the Lord lhas commanded the blessing,

life forevermore.

Come, Bless the Lord

A Song of mAscents.

134  Come, bless the Lord, all you mservants of the Lord,

who nstand oby night in the house of the Lord!

pLift up your hands to qthe holy place

and bless the Lord!

May the Lord rbless you sfrom Zion,

he who tmade heaven and earth!

Your Name, O Lord, Endures Forever

135  uPraise the Lord!

Praise the name of the Lord,

give praise, O vservants of the Lord,

who nstand in the house of the Lord,

in wthe courts of the house of our God!

Praise the Lord, for xthe Lord is good;

sing to his name, yfor it is pleasant!1

For the Lord has zchosen Jacob for himself,

Israel as his aown possession.

For I know that bthe Lord is great,

and that our Lord is above all gods.

cWhatever the Lord pleases, he does,

in heaven and on earth,

in the seas and all deeps.

dHe it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,

who emakes lightnings for the rain

and brings forth the wind from his fstorehouses.

He it was who gstruck down the firstborn of Egypt,

both of man and of beast;

who in your midst, O Egypt,

sent hsigns and wonders

against Pharaoh and all his servants;

10  iwho struck down many nations

and killed mighty kings,

11  jSihon, king of the Amorites,

and kOg, king of Bashan,

and lall the kingdoms of Canaan,

12  and mgave their land as a heritage,

a heritage to his people Israel.

13  nYour name, O Lord, endures forever,

oyour renown,2 O Lord, throughout all ages.

14  pFor the Lord will vindicate his people

and qhave compassion on his servants.

15  rThe idols of the nations are silver and gold,

the work of human hands.

16  They have mouths, but do not speak;

they have eyes, but do not see;

17  they have ears, but do not hear,

nor is there any breath in their mouths.

18  Those who make them become like them;

so do all who trust in them.

19  sO house of Israel, bless the Lord!

O house of Aaron, bless the Lord!

20  O house of Levi, bless the Lord!

You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord!

21  Blessed be the Lord tfrom Zion,

he who udwells in Jerusalem!

vPraise the Lord!

His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

136  wGive thanks to the Lord, for he is good,

xfor his steadfast love endures forever.

Give thanks to ythe God of gods,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

Give thanks to ythe Lord of lords,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

to him who alone zdoes great wonders,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

to him who aby understanding bmade the heavens,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

to him who cspread out the earth dabove the waters,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

to him who emade the great lights,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

the sun to rule over the day,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

the moon and stars to rule over the night,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

10  to him who fstruck down the firstborn of Egypt,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

11  and gbrought Israel out from among them,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

12  with ha strong hand and an outstretched arm,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

13  to him who idivided the Red Sea in two,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

14  jand made Israel pass through the midst of it,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

15  but koverthrew1 Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

16  to him who lled his people through the wilderness,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

17  to him mwho struck down great kings,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

18  and killed mighty kings,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

19  Sihon, king of the Amorites,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

20  and Og, king of Bashan,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

21  and gave their land as a heritage,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

22  a heritage to Israel his nservant,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

23  It is he who oremembered us in our low estate,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

24  and prescued us from our foes,

for his steadfast love endures forever;

25  he who qgives food to all flesh,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

26  Give thanks to rthe God of heaven,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

How Shall We Sing the Lord’s Song?

137  By the waters of Babylon,

there we sat down and wept,

when we remembered Zion.

On the willows1 there

we hung up our lyres.

For there our captors

required of us songs,

and our tormentors, mirth, saying,

Sing us one of the songs of Zion!

sHow shall we sing the Lord’s song

in a foreign land?

If I forget you, O Jerusalem,

tlet my right hand forget its skill!

Let my utongue stick to the roof of my mouth,

if I do not remember you,

if I do not set Jerusalem

above my highest joy!

Remember, O Lord, against the vEdomites

wthe day of Jerusalem,

how they said, xLay it bare, lay it bare,

down to its foundations!

O daughter of Babylon, ydoomed to be destroyed,

blessed shall he be who zrepays you

with what you have done to us!

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones

and adashes them against the rock!